October 31st, Anno Societatis L - The day was fair and warm as their Excellencies Wyvernwoode gathered the populace for Baronial Bash, a celebration of the Barony’s anniversary. As with most anniversary events, there were tournaments and competitions to name the barony’s champions for the year. The following gentles prevailed, and they may be called upon to represent Their Excellencies and Wyvernwoode at the next “baronial throw down”.
Champion of Wyvernwoode – Honorable Lord Danial von Hessen
Baroness’s Blade – Lord Edward Barbour
Archery Champion – Baroness Juliana Strangeways
Youth champion – m’lord Torasasha
Photo credit to Jared Bluestein (HL Tristrum de Kerjean) |
In addition to the competitions, there was much merriment to be had. Musicians, classes, food and fellowship were all around while the populace enjoyed the beautiful weather.
There was an incredible amount of enthusiasm surrounding the glass bead making class. Students were given ample time around the flame while they shaped and decorated beads. A few intrepid artists even attempted their own ampules.
Among the announcement of winners and thanks for volunteers, a new tradition was born. The ladies of Wyvernwoode have previously decided upon the Ring of Chivalry recipients; for the first time, the men voted and chose a worthy gentle. Congratulations to Baroness Maol Mide ingen Medre, OL, OP as the first bearer of this great honor!
Their Excellencies Gocauo and Sibeal also recognized many other deserving individuals for their service and artistry. Afterwards, a fine feast was held to finish out the day.
This event report was submitted by Baroness Melangell merch Mariot, OP.
All photo credit goes to HL Tristrum de Kerjean (Jared Bluestein)
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