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Digital painting of Baroness Maol by Holly Bird |
The Editrix and Illuminator
Baroness Maol Mide ingen Medra OL, OP hails from the Barony of Wyvernwoode in the Kingdom of Trimaris. She enjoys long walks along the beaches of the triune seas collecting paint pallets which other people call 'shells', 13th century finery and the finest books in the land. She is the slightly decrepit matriarch of house Feileacan Ghairdin.
Kristen Gilpin is an illuminator, botanical illustrator, calligrapher, photographer, gardener, cat rescuer, writer and foodie who has a penchant for butterflies, gin, horror stories, strange fruits and antiquated art supplies. You can find more of her art on her blog A Little Ink More or Less and purchase prints of her work at her Etsy store, Currant Thoughts.
Amenhetep has advanced education in all manner of magic, religion, and other esoteric knowledge. He studied at Karnak’s top scribal and priestly schools, and has extensive experience in purity rites, love spells, and death curses.
The Bladed Bard
Honorable Lord James Highgate is cadet to Don William of Aschem and protégé to Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune. He currently stands as the Wyvernwoode Rapier Champion and the Kingdom Hospitaller.
James like long walks on nighttime beaches, contemplating poetry, stabbing people and fine Scotch. And his wife. He likes her a LOT.
He can be reached for comments at Jacob.a.tessler@gmail.com
The (Bumbling) Scrivener
Baroness Melangell merch Mariot, OP is 12th century noble-woman living in the court of Eleanor of Aquitaine.
She enjoys the arts and sciences (often as a spectator), and she is a passionate defender of sarcasm as a useful form of communication.
Melissa Taylor enjoys collecting projects and hobbies; she spends her life with her husband, their 2 dogs, and far too much stuff. You can follow her projects at Mel's Thoughtful Spot or contact her directly at melangellm@gmail.com
Melangell's portrait painted by Mistress Finneadan.
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